Our Network Overview

Shell Energy has access to some of the continent's most productive reserves - from the gas fields in South Texas and along the Gulf Coast, all the way up to the shale reserves in British Columbia. For more than 10 years, we have ranked among the top 3 natural gas marketers in North America with:

  • Average daily transport capacity
  • Daily equity production
  • Daily consumption

Daily Equity Production

Shell produces 1.5 billion cubic feet (Bcf) of natural gas each day.

That's the amount of natural gas one average industrial consumer in the US would use over a 33 year period.

Pipelines coming together to represent total daily gas production
33 calendars to represent 33 years 33 calendars to represent 33 years

That's the amount of natural gas one average industrial consumer in the US would use over a 33 year period.

Daily Consumption

Shell Energy customers consume 10.5 billion cubic feet (Bcf) of natural gas per day.

That's enough natural gas for every person on earth to have a barbeque cookout. That's a lot of hot dogs!

Ten and a half circles each representing a billion cubic feet
Barbeques circling the globe Barbeques circling the globe

That's enough natural gas for every person on earth to have a barbeque cookout. That's a lot of hot dogs!

Daily Transport Capacity

Shell Energy transports up to 24.3 billion cubic feet (Bcf) of natural gas each day.

That's enough natural gas to heat over a third of u.s. households every day.

Pipeline network
United States with a third of the map shaded in United States with a third of the map shaded in

That's enough natural gas to heat over a third of u.s. households every day.