A close-up of a young pine tree sapling growing in a misty and barren natural landscape

Carbon credits including NBS

Compensate for those CO2 emissions that are unavoidable, through Shell’s growing portfolio of carbon credits including afforestation, reforestation, and conservation projects.

Take the complexity out of carbon credits

Confused about carbon credits? We can help you navigate voluntary carbon markets, comply with regulatory obligations, and manage risk with solutions available across all the main compliance markets in North America.

Creating a sustainable business model

An icon of a target

Meet your sustainability targets

Compensate for your unavoidable carbon emissions with carbon credits, or combine credits with energy products to offset the emissions associated with their use.

icon of person presenting

Demonstrate leadership

Differentiate yourselves from your competitors and demonstrate industry climate leadership.

An icon showing two people standing next to a building, symbolizing workplace

Inspire employees

Build a sustainable business model that motivates and connects employees to a sense of purpose.

Creating a sustainable business model

An icon of a target

Meet your sustainability targets

Compensate for your unavoidable carbon emissions with carbon credits, or combine credits with energy products to offset the emissions associated with their use.

icon of person presenting

Demonstrate leadership

Differentiate yourselves from your competitors and demonstrate industry climate leadership.

An icon showing two people standing next to a building, symbolizing workplace

Inspire employees

Build a sustainable business model that motivates and connects employees to a sense of purpose.

Carbon Credits & Allowances

We have an environmental solutions team to help you to navigate compliance and voluntary carbon markets.

Workers planting young trees in a rural field with protective tubes

Voluntary Carbon Market

Voluntary carbon credits are a recognized mechanism for investing in projects that contribute to reducing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.

Close-up of business professionals working with a tablet and laptop, surrounded by charts and graphs on a desk

Carbon Compliance Schemes

Shell Energy operates in all the main compliance markets in North America. We help companies to manage risk and efficiently comply with their regulatory obligations through offering structured solutions for:


  • California Carbon Allowance (CCA)

  • California Carbon Offset (CCO)

  • Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI)


  • Alberta Offset

  • Alberta Emissions Performance Credit (EPC)

Two workers in red safety uniforms walking alongside rows of solar panels in an open field
Get started on your business's energy transition today

4 ways we can help to support you

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Offset unavoidable emissions

When CO2 emissions cannot be avoided.

icon of a plant

By investing in a nature-based project

... an investment that can be made in a project elsewhere

Icon of an arrow down

Which captures or reduces emissions

This project captures/reduces CO2 emissions that otherwise would not have occurred.

icon of a ticket with a star

And issues carbon credits

...that can be retired to demonstrate that an amount of carbon dioxide equivalent has been offset.

icon of a plane

Offset unavoidable emissions

When CO2 emissions cannot be avoided.

icon of a plant

By investing in a nature-based project

... an investment that can be made in a project elsewhere

Icon of an arrow down

Which captures or reduces emissions

This project captures/reduces CO2 emissions that otherwise would not have occurred.

icon of a ticket with a star

And issues carbon credits

...that can be retired to demonstrate that an amount of carbon dioxide equivalent has been offset.

Helping you reach net zero with Voluntary Carbon Credits

Shell works with nature-based projects around the world that help reduce greenhouse gas emissions improving the livelihoods of local communities and preserving biodiversity and wildlife. These projects — verified by independent organizations with highest internationally recognized standards — generate carbon credits which can be used to compensate for your company’s emissions.

  • Shell actively manages its global portfolio ensuring cost efficiency and the ability to provide tailored solutions.

Shell's offerings include:

  • Bespoke voluntary carbon credits across all project types

  • Natural gas bundled with voluntary carbon credits

two workers analyzing a field of solar panels

Conserving forests and creating carbon credits in Canada

n recent years, wildfires have significantly impacted the lands and communities of the Tŝilhqot’in Nation in the Canadian province of British Columbia. We are helping to address this issue by working with the Tŝilhqot’in National Government to reforest areas that have either been slow to regenerate on their own or have not done so at all. As well as restoring wildfire-devastated areas, the project has the potential to deliver other benefits, including indigenous and local employment – as well as improvements in the local ecosystems.

The project will:

  • Reforest 700 hectares of indigenous lands devastated by wildfire

  • Plant an estimated 840 trees, all native species

landscape of a mountain and trees burned by a fire
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