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Discover five heat-saving tips this winter

For many, there's a certain romance to winter. Sitting outside by a firepit, toasting s’mores, and sipping hot cocoa to stay warm.

But winter also brings challenges — especially when it comes to managing electricity bills. Cold weather typically means increased consumption, which adds to the cost. But does it have to?

Here are five heat-saving tips for winter:

  1. Keep a closer eye on the thermostat

    According to the Department of Energy, HVAC systems typically account for 29% of home energy use.[1] And that number can be higher in colder months. Lowering the temperature, even just two or three degrees, can make a surprising difference. Turning it down while asleep or out of the house can save as much as 10% on an electricity bill.[2] Upgrading to a smart thermostat can help control temperatures with ease.

  2. Hit reverse on the ceiling fan

    Ceiling fans usually run counterclockwise, helping warm air to rise and cool air to stay lower in a room to reduce its temperature. They don't just help with cooling, however. Hitting the reverse switch on a fan – typically found at the top of the flush mount – will make it turn clockwise, creating an updraft that circulates warm air around the room.

  3. Harness the natural heat of the sun

    It's important to make the most of the heat that enters a home naturally. This means opening curtains and blinds during the day to get warmth from the sun into the house. Then, as night-time arrives, keep that heat inside by closing curtains – a move that can reduce heat loss from a room by up to 10%.[3] Remember, thick solid curtains will hold in heat better than sheer curtains.

  4. Weather strip drafty doors and windows

    Air sealing an older or drafty house can help to save more than 20% on heating and cooling costs.[4] Weather stripping to seal air leaks in doors and windows can keep the heat inside and is an easy DIY project. This can then avoid the need for higher electricity consumption to power heating systems.

  5. Get an HVAC tune-up

    A poorly maintained HVAC system can operate less efficiently and need more power to keep a house heated. That's why getting a regular HVAC tune-up (usually once or twice a year) can help to lower consumption and save on electricity bills. It can also help to reduce the risk of a costly breakdown by 95%.[5] And don’t forget to replace air filters regularly throughout the year as it can make a difference in energy efficiency and air quality.

Want to learn more about how to get ready for the next winter storm? Check out the 7 Key Things to Do to Prepare Your Home for Freezing Weather.

[1] Department of Energy, “Home Heating Systems: Energy Saver,” 2022

[2] Department of Energy, “,” 2022

[3] Department of Energy, “Energy Efficient Window Coverings: Energy Saver,” 2022

[4] NRDC, “How to Keep Warm and Save on Your Energy Bills This Winter,” 2020

[5] HomeServe, “Is an HVAC Tune-up Worth the Price? (Yes, Yes It Is),” 2021

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