Satisfy your Emissions with flexible financing

Satisfy your Emissions with flexible financing

Energy Solutions
Start your energy transition with behind-the-meter solutions, which come with our best-in-class customer support and flexible financing options.

A survey conducted in 20201 of 265 global energy and sustainability professionals, revealed that timing and pricing volatility, lack of experience, and the volume of changes required were the most significant challenges they faced.

To meet the goals called for by investors, employees, consumers, and international organizations, you need solutions across your entire supply chain. Our behind-the-meter technologies can improve your capacity to:

  • Reduce overall energy consumption.

  • Manage utility costs, including demand-based charges.

  • Implement preventative maintenance programs to enhance reliability and lower costs.

  • Meet voluntary emissions goals and regulatory requirements.

  • Signal sustainability action and progress to consumers, investors, and other stakeholders.

  • Promote operational and grid resiliency.

A Look Behind-the-Meter

Since energy management technology is still a developing field, you might find that each provider uses differing names for similar solutions. Generally, behind-the-meter refers to a system’s placement relative to a building’s electric meter - in this case, onsite and under a facility’s control. Broadly speaking, however, behind-the-meter solutions are based on the following core technologies:

  • Energy efficiency — high-efficiency lighting or HVAC infrastructure with advanced control systems.

  • Onsite generation and storage — back-up generators and solar assets, which can complement electric vehicle (EV) charging.

  • Energy management systems — used to facilitate direct load control and behavioral load shaping.

  • Demand response systems — used to respond to demand triggers or external conditions defined by utilities or grid managers.

  • Data collection, management and analytics — cloud-based systems that can help adapt to market dynamics and system demands, while tracking sustainability metrics.

  • EV charging — charging infrastructure and charge-management software.

We remove financial barriers to support increased sustainability

Subscription models can maintain the benefits of monthly payment structures while reducing technology risks. GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) rules treat the subscription as an operating expense, creating additional tax and credit advantages.

Advantages include:

  1. Off-balance sheet financing — Instead of paying for energy upgrades out of capital expenses (CapEx), you can pay out of operating expenses (OpEx). This provision removes the need for upfront payments without accumulating debt, so your company can deploy capital for your core business, maximizing returns.

  2. Accelerated asset depreciation — Your businesses can benefit from cost and energy savings for years after the infrastructure has been paid for. For example, many contracts last between 3–5 years, while infrastructure upgrades are expected to last 10–15 years.

  3. Asset and financial risk management — Guaranteed, inclusive service agreements shield you from financial risk and operational disruption.

Organizations with sophisticated energy strategies are already leveraging these benefits. One 2020 study surveying 265 global corporate sustainability professionals, found that approximately 20% typically fund energy and sustainability projects with non-traditional financing options such as Energy-as-a-Service models.
2 This group also expressed the highest degree of confidence in their organization’s ability to meet energy targets and positively impact the climate.

1. Perspectives SE Finding 1

2. Perspectives SE Finding 5

How Shell Energy can help

Shell Energy and its partners create efficient, financially progressive solutions for your unique energy management challenges.
We retrofit facilities with a tailored mix of energy-efficient equipment, including lighting, HVAC systems, and refrigeration, optimizing for maximum efficiency and savings. We then test and perform preventative and reactive maintenance, all while using data analytics to track sustainability performance and manage other KPIs.

How Shell Energy can help

Shell Energy and its partners create efficient, financially progressive solutions for your unique energy management challenges.
We retrofit facilities with a tailored mix of energy-efficient equipment, including lighting, HVAC systems, and refrigeration, optimizing for maximum efficiency and savings. We then test and perform preventative and reactive maintenance, all while using data analytics to track sustainability performance and manage other KPIs.